Daily Rhythm: Ages 3 & 1

As I prepare for a year of preschool at home, I am reviewing our past year. I’d like to share what our days looked like when there was a 3 year old and his baby sister in tow.

I made this plan before I began implementing a gentle preschool homeschool with my 3 year old.

Julia Josiah (3) Jessa (1)

wake up

prepare breakfast

still asleep
clean up kitchen wake up
pray & eat
clean up kitchen chore in carrier or playing on floor
morning basket time
  • nursing
  • participating when possible
  • playing in pack & play with special toys only for this time
get dressed, make beds
9:00 school room time nap
10:00 outside play
11:00 lunch
11:30 lunch clean up play
12 or 1 mom time nap
3:00 housework play
4 or 5 begin supper play, maybe watch a show
5 or 6 eat
7 time with daddy to play games, go on a walk, etc.
7:30/8  head to bed


  • Josiah almost always helped with breakfast prep. I considered this part of preschool.
  • Josiah’s morning chore was to clear off the table and wipe the table.
  • Getting dressed and making beds came AFTER breakfast and cleanup because the kids would get breakfast all over their clean clothes! While I was upstairs picking out clothes I made beds. Josiah didn’t have the motor skills to help with bed making yet, but his job was to put dirty clothes in the hamper.
  • Playtime after naptime went MUCH better when I had an “invitation to play” set up when my son woke up. Otherwise he would just want to watch a show.

This was our plan. And for the most part we stuck to it.

That is, when we were home.

One day a week we were at story time at the library. Another day was spent running errands. A third day was music class day, and the fourth weekday was spent at  a preschool playgroup.

So as you can see, my little plan really only applied on one day a week! For the most part the activities listed from 7am-9 stayed the same everyday. However, Tu-Fri Jessa never got a morning nap, and “school” was tucked into pockets throughout the day. Most of the time we were home by lunch, but it’s amazing how much of the day we lost by our outings.

This year will be different. For one, the kids will be 4 and 2 soon. Also, we are spending less time away from home.

Check back soon to see what our daily rhythm and weekly schedule will look like this year!

*Update: Here is our daily rhythm plan for this year with a 4 and 2 year old.

An early childhood major, turned homeschooling mama of 3, Julia longs to provide encouragement and resources to help make homeschooling a joy-filled journey.

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